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September 6, 2020
Stay home, says the hashtag, social media, governments and the neighbors. At the outset of...
January 15, 2019
​ Recently I went to Thailand to participate in a ten-day silent yoga retreat on the island of...
June 25, 2018
There has been a lot said and written in the past months about Pattabhi Jois’s inappropriate...
It can frustrating to confront the personal nature of truth. We discover time and again that our...
February 20, 2018
Recently, I was among the thousands of people who saw Coldpay at the Estadio Único de la Plata ...
February 5, 2017
Teachers of asana experience an interesting moment as we cross the threshold of the yoga studio;...
“Now no matter, child, the name Sorrow’s springs are all the same. Nor mouth had, no nor mind,...
September 18, 2016
Yesterday, the Mysore room at our studio was only half full, and it seemed like it might be one...
Last week, we hosted Ty Landrum in Buenos Aires for an intensive Ashtanga workshop. He traveled...