I was born in the US in 1974, but I have lived in Argentina for the last two decades. I came to Buenos Aires with my (Argentine) husband when I was 23, in love with him and his country.
I have written since I was very young, and I studied literature and poetry at Haverford College (1996). I received Masters Degrees in French literature and Creative Writing from Bryn Mawr College and Goldsmiths College (University of London). My essays and stories have been published in anthologies and literary journals in the UK, South Africa, the US and Argentina. For the past decade, I have worked with the artist Leandro Erlich; I collaborated on his first book The Ordinary? (Kanazawa, 2014), in addition to published essays for the recent exhibitions The Construction of Reality (Shanghai, 2018) and Liminal (Buenos Aires, 2019). I have also written several children’s books, and I sometimes work as a photographer.
I discovered yoga through a sports-related injury and from that moment I have practiced with dedication and consistency. Within the tradition of Ashtanga Vinyasa, I have studied with Alejandro Chiarella, Juan Pablo Capdevila, Tim Miller, Guy Donahaye, Eddie Stern and Ty Landrum. In 2015 and 2017, I had the privilege of attending Richard Freeman and Mary Taylor’s Teachers Intensive at the Yoga Workshop. Richard and Mary are personal heroes and guides, and I have been honored to work as a translator and editor of their books. I also study Tibetan Buddhism with Dr. Jules Levinson and Dr. Robert Thurman. I have become increasingly interested in the confluence between asana and meditation. I currently offer seminars on foundational yoga texts and asana at different studios in and around Buenos Aires.
In 2016, I founded the Colección Ananta, a series of books on contemplative practice for the Argentine publisher El Hilo de Ariadna. In addition to my duties as editor, I also work on the translations for Ananta. My own book, En la práctica, is an exploration of the intersection of yoga practice, its philosophy and everyday life. En la práctica was published in Argentina and Spain in 2021. My new book, En casa, will be published in Argentina and Spain in 2024.
I currently live in Buenos Aires with my family.